Bad smell? Using Odour as an Oil Analysis Tool

Bad Smell

Many characteristics and properties of an oil can be detected with our senses such as our noses for a bad smell. We use our eyes to check level gauges, color, clarity, opacity, etc. We use our ears to determine conditions like cavitation, overloading, misalignments, etc. Why shouldn’t we utilise our noses for bad smells more often?

Smell is a very direct sense. In order for you to smell something, molecules from that something must find their way to your nose. Therefore, everything you smell is releasing molecules. These molecules are mostly small, light, volatile chemicals that find their way into your nasal passages. Once in the nasal passages, these molecules come in contact with a special patch of neurons. These neurons have very small, hair-like projections called cilia that increase the surface area to capture more of the molecules. The molecules attach to the cilia and trigger the neurons to send a signal to your brain, which causes you to perceive a particular smell.

So which oil odours should you be trying to distinguish? Here are a few you should be able to recognise.

See our Odour Removal Services

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