Category Archives: Environment

Oil Spills, Sediment, and Shoreline Contamination

What happens when crude oil leaks or spills into the ocean? When oil is released into a marine environment it is subjected to multiple weathering processes including evaporation, dissolution, photo-oxidation and biodegradation. These processes work at various rates to degrade different chemical compounds in the oil. Crude oil is composed of light (low molecular weight)…
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Environmental Remediation Technology Market will be Influenced by Macroeconomic Factors

Environmental remediation refers to restoration of environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water, which is contaminated by any form of pollutants, and is impacting negative ill effects on its surrounding biological life. Most of the environmental remediation activities across the globe has been a matter of government regulations and interventions, and are…
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Climate action court challenge – Landmark case

The Government’s record on trying to avert climate change will be challenged by Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE) who argue that the national mitigation plan does not do enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is a violation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, Ireland’s Climate Act, the Constitution, and human rights obligations. Unsurprisingly, the…
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Sligo and Longford councils criticised over environmental law enforcement

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has criticised two local authorities for failures in environmental law enforcement performance between 2014 and last year. An EPA review found evidence of improved local authority enforcement activity among 29 local authorities but singled out Sligo County Council and Longford County Council for criticism. Sligo County Council’s performance score “remained below target” because it did not…
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